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List of Top 10 College In India

1)  University Name : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay  
      Acronym : IIT Bombay
      Year of Foundation : 1958
      Motto : Jnanam Paramam Dhyeyam Knowledge is the Supreme Goal
      website :

2) University Name : Indian Institute of Technology Madras 
     Acronym : IITM
     Established in 1959
     Motto Siddhirbhavati Karmaja The Nature of Success is Hard Work
     Website :

3) University Name : University of Delhi
     Acronym : DU
     Established in 1922
     Motto Nishta Drithih Satyam
     Website :

4) University Name : Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
    Acronym : IITK
   Year of establishment 1959
   Motto Yaani Anavadyani Karmani Taani Sevitavyani No Etarani Thou shalt perform deeds that are          commendable and no others.
   Website :

5) University Name : Indian Institute of Science 
     Acronym  : IIS
     Year of establishment :1909
     Website :

6) University Name : Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
    Acronym : IIT Roorkee
    Established in : 1847
    Motto Shramam Binam Na Kimapi Sadhyam No Achievement is possible without Hard Work
    Website :

7) University Name :National Institute of Technology Calicut
    Acronym : NITC
    Year of Foundation 1961
    Motto Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya Lead from the darkness to the light
     website :

8) University Name : Anna University
     Acronym : AU Chennai
     Founded in 1978
    Motto Progress Through Knowledge
     website :

9) University Name : Manipal University
     Acronym : MU
     Founded in 1993
     Motto Inspired by Life
     Website :

10) University Name Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
       Acronym : IIT Kharagpur
       Established in 1951
       Motto Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam Diligence leads to Excellence
       Website :

1 comment:

  1. Hi Your college finder information useful for all students...Listing of college information very useful one..This way students choose the college easy and best...
